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The power of positive thoughts:

Researchers have shown that there is a powerful connection between our bodies and our minds.  When we feel stressed our brain signals to release hormones that tell our cells to either fight or flee. When we feel positive emotions such as: love, peace or joy, our brain signals hormones to tell our bodies to spend time repairing broken cells, digesting food or healing infections – essentially, we are in a more relaxed or rest and digest mode. Positive thoughts emotions help our immune systems.

Some benefits include:

  • Lower blood pressure, heart rate and cortisol
  • Improved blood circulation
  • Deeper breathing
  • Digest food more slowly
  • Increase white and red blood cell activity
  • Increase natural killer cell activity
  • Clear out infections and check and remove any cancerous cells


Take time each day to think positive thoughts. Being happy is positive.

What brings you happiness?  A great exercise you can do is list all the things that make you happy.

What on this list do you currently do, or do you do any of them?  Begin with one or two things on your list, and cultivate more happiness, and thus, more positive feelings, each day.

If you are struggling to find inspiration to inspire positive thought, feel free to head over to my recommended reading blog for more ideas. The books listed are chalk full of inspirational topics that will get you on the right track.