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There is a chiropractic college in the United States named Parker University and each year for the last 30 years they have hosted a large conference called Parker Seminars. Chiropractors and other health professionals are invited as well as staff to attend this event.  Dr. McLeod and team had the pleasure of attending the most recent event at the end of February in Las Vegas, NV.

There were many awesome speakers and various topics including science, business, and keynote inspirational speakers.  There were two keynote speakers that I know we all enjoyed listening to.  One speaker was David Goggins.  I am not sure if you know of him, but it was refreshing to see someone who has learned not to care what other people think and to be authentically himself.  The other speaker was Simon Sinek.  He had great advice about pursuing your why – your purpose in life.

It made me think more deeply about what we do each day at the clinic.  Many patients know how much I enjoy learning and reading. I am constantly updating my knowledge so I can best help patients at the clinic and our community in Edmonton, Alberta and surrounding area. So, I thought about this more and expanded on my why.  I hope one day I can be as carefree of people’s thoughts about me as David Goggins, and I thank Simon Sinek for his advice.


“I believe humanity is capable of so much more and it is vital we maximize our potential with great health – including vitality, spirit and well-being and living our potential. We must take care of our bodies. I help people optimize their lives with the power of the chiropractic adjustment and the increase on the well-being of the human frame.  This translates to helping people adapt to stress, improving posture and function, and helping relieve symptoms. And best of all – at the clinic- we are helping people live their best lives so they can pursue their dreams.”