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Remember to Take Breaks

Remember to Take Breaks

I saw a quote on FB once and it stuck with me since. “You were born to do more than just go to work, pay bills, and die.” (I believe I saw it on Spirit Science, however, who specifically quoted this, I am uncertain.) It stuck with me because I believe we are here to...
Low Back Pain

Low Back Pain

I get a lot of patients with low back pain (LBP) at the clinic. No one wants to be in pain, I get it. However, we are complicated beings, but we are self-healing and self-regulating. Let me share a story with you. I get low back pain. Is that ironic – as I am a...


So what is it to be adaptable?  I talk about adaptation with patients everyday. Our spinal cords are like ‘guitar strings’ they are attached at the top and bottom of the spinal column.  The tone of this ‘string’ sets the tone for every tissue, cell and organ...
Pain and Symptoms

Pain and Symptoms

What is pain?  We know pain is subjective.  We know pain follows a nervous system pathway and goes to the meso-limbic (emotional) part of our brain. Pain is your body telling you something is not right.  But, sometimes people are ‘sick’ and they are...