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It can be quite debilitating and difficult to deal with a shoulder injury, especially when one is used to having full range of motion in their upper limbs.  Below are three potential benefits of using laser therapy to help heal shoulder injuries.

  1. Pain Reduction:
  • Laser therapy has been suggested to have analgesic effects.  It may help to reduce pain by decreasing nerve sensitivity and modulating inflammatory responses.
  • A research article in 2003 found that laser therapy significantly reduced pain and improved shoulder function in those participants with rotator cuff tendonitis. (Brosseau et al., Journal of Clinical Laser Medicine & Surgery, 2003)

  1. Anti-Inflammatory Effects:
  • Laser therapy may have anti-inflammatory effects, and this can be particularly helpful for shoulder injuries such as tendinitis or bursitis.
  • In a 2005 review published in the “Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology” concluded that laser therapy has anti-inflammatory effects and can influence various cellular responses in inflammatory response. (de Freitas et al., 2005)  

  1. Improved Tissue Repair and Healing:
  • Improving tissue repair and healing the injury is important.  Laser therapy is thought to stimulate cellular activity and promote tissue repair and regeneration. This can be beneficial for tendon, ligament, and other soft tissue injuries of the shoulder.
  • A clinical trail in 2010 investigated shoulder impingement and laser therapy care. The results showed that laser therapy improved function, reduced pain and suggested a positive impact on tissue healing. (Hegedus et al., American Journal of Sports Medicine, 2010)

It has been shown with some studies that laser therapy can be beneficial for shoulder injuries.  The effectiveness may vary among each individual and it is important for your healthcare provider to consider a combination of therapies and lifestyle factors to address overall well-being and promote healing that is beneficial for you.